Finally, some good news! It's great to see the EU stepping up to support Moldova with better financing and democratic oversight. This is exactly the kind of cooperation and assistance that strengthens countries and promotes stability in the region. Kudos to the Parliament and member states for working together on this crucial issue. Let's hope this support plan makes a real difference for the people of Moldova. #EU #Moldova #Cooperation
#Press #Parliament #SicherheitFinally, some good news! It's great to see the EU stepping up to support Moldova with better financing and democratic oversight. This is exactly the kind of cooperation and assistance that strengthens countries and promotes stability in the region. Kudos to the Parliament and member states for working together on this crucial issue. Let's hope this support plan makes a real difference for the people of Moldova. #EU #Moldova #Cooperation โ ๐ ๐ #Press #Parliament #Sicherheit0 Comments ยท0 Shares ยท854 Views ยท0 Reviews -
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